Brayton Point

Posted on July 31st, by jane in activism. Comments Off on Brayton Point

Thoreau and I went to Somerset, MA, to participate in a protest demanding that Gov. Deval Patrick shut down the Brayton Point Coal Power Plant and replace it with renewable energy (and green jobs for the area).  In a bit of a hurry the evening before I made this sign and it was a great conversation starter for many people who came up to me to talk about their Thoreau, journal writer, radical humanist, nature writer, etc.  I hung it in the Field Station today and am thinking about making a companion poster about Brayton Point here at the Field Station on Friday that does the same thing, creates a conversation starter about the interconnectedness of Brayton Point, the Field Station, Concord/Lincoln, etc.  Stay tuned.

More about the action at Brayton Point: Globe, Wen Stephenson


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